
Building a CRM Hub for Salesforce

Salesforce is the world’s #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform. The Salesforce Marketing team wanted to redesign the existing salesforce.com/crm page to be a digital destination where people could go to understand why they should consider Salesforce for their CRM needs and get the latest CRM thought leadership and educational content.

This foundational project sought to understand the current state of the CRM page—how are users getting to the page, what is the user’s experience on the page, what information are users looking for?

Research Process

Research Process

I started by reviewing Google Analytics data for the page to understand how users were getting to the page, how they interacted with existing content, and where they were going next.

Then I mapped the customer experience starting with Google and site search, and documented content and cross links throughout hub pages.

Lastly, I explored competitor CRM content to evaluate the type of content they provided and their target audience.

Existing CRM Hub page mapping & content

Existing CRM Hub page mapping & content

The existing pages within the Hub (all pages nested under “/crm”) were not coherently linked. Instead of a cohesive Hub, the pages were primarily campaign landing pages with two different navigational constructs.

Findings Report

Findings Report

The findings were organized in a slide deck for easy sharing with project stakeholders and included a detailed analysis of analytics data, a breakdown of content per page, and mapping of competitor content.

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Salesforce - CRM Audit - Final (4).jpg
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Salesforce - CRM Audit - Final (6).jpg
Salesforce - CRM Audit - Final (7).jpg
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Screen Recording 2022-01-03 at 3.04.26 PM.mov-high.gif
Page Wireframes

Page Wireframes

The project resulted in two page wireframes and navigational constructs for the page.